
Updates From The Farm

We have a little farm.

It sounds funny to think that because right now it just feels like a handful of animals and a small garden.

I haven’t shared much recently because frankly it’s felt like we’ve been sprayed with a firehose with one thing after another slowing our progress. I hurt my ankle when I stepped in a hole and struggled to stay off it so it could heal. I have a tendency to do more than I should.

Then my hubby hurt his back right when I needed the most help digging and prepping garden beds and planting vegetables. So instead of the 15 small beds I had planned, we grew a handful of vegetables in 3. Then when it seemed like we were both doing better, I stepped on a screw.

Have you ever stepped on a screw? It’s a bit different than stepping on a tack. It rips you on the way in and out and the pain is extraordinary. I got it cleaned properly and kept it bandaged, but I couldn’t walk. No, I couldn’t walk on it at all without excruciating pain.

Then my daughter sprained her knee and couldn’t walk without help. So there I was, my foot injured, with a daughter who needed me to help her get around during the day. I did what any good mom would do, and I carried her when she needed it. It set my progress back, but it ensured she healed up quickly.

A month after the screw I thought I was doing good. No signs of infection, I was starting to hobble on it, but then I did too much. Again. So it took another full month before I would walk on it at all. I stayed off it on crutches. I got really good at getting around the farm on them, but it set up back. I could barely do anything other than my writing work online.

And then, when it seemed like things were looking up, my oldest got attacked by a dog who got off his chain. Praise the Lord, the dog only got in one bite on his back before someone got him off, but to say that my year has been prayer-filled is barely touching the surface.

I thought we’d be farther along, that the farm would be “bigger” than it is.

But like usual, I make my plans, but God orders my steps. You remember that ankle I hurt? Well, it was still hurting when I stepped on the screw. Staying off it for two months ensured that it healed up as well.

My hubby does a better job of protecting his back now.

This year has been a testing ground, a learning center, and pruning from the Lord.

I’ve learned how to stand against the tricks of the enemy in more powerful ways. I’ve learned how to decree and declare God’s word over myself and my family. I’ve learned how to take care of chickens, breed rabbits, care for puppies, and so much more. I’ve learned that rabbit poop makes incredible fertilizer and that basil plants can grow to become big bushes and that onions are super easy to grow. Chickens are picky and can drop egg production for any reason, and I now know I can do really hard things.

My kids have learned how to pray and stand in the gap to believe for big impossible things. They’ve made new friends and explored fields and woods. They’ve discovered that they are strong and capable. They’ve let their curiosity guide them and my once terrified of flies daughter now looks for lizards in the forest.

This year has been filled with hard moments that brought me to my knees. But it’s been filled with gratitude in the good and bad moments. I am thankful to God for this year on the farm. My testimonies of the miracles God has done could fill a book. So if you want to know what I’ve been doing on the farm, here it is:

I’ve cried over the loss of rabbit kits.

I’ve prayed for and received healing for me and my family.

I’ve humbly thanked the Lord for His protection.

I’ve collected more eggs than I can remember.

I’ve shared the abundance with friends and neighbors.

I planted and cared for banana peppers, sage, basil, aloe, onions, snow peas, snap peas, bush beans, sunflowers, and wildflowers. All of these yielded a harvest. I planted others that didn’t make it.

I’ve laughed and cried.

I’ve educated my children from home.

I’ve worked from home writing for other businesses and shared about my health success.

I’ve learned that God is faithful.

I’ve learned that what I thought was the promised land is only the beginning.

I’ve learned that sometimes you need to lay down your dreams and preconceptions to pursue God where you never imagined going.

I’ve learned, even more than I already knew, that God is good.

God is good. His goodness is unfathomable. His grace is infinite. He loves me and my family more than I could have imagined.

I’ve prayed with gratitude in my heart, knowing that the Lord is near. I learned more about spiritual warfare than I thought possible. I’ve waged warfare knowing that I already had the victory.

I’ve wavered in my resolve. I’ve gotten angry. I’ve yelled. I’ve even cursed in my frustration (hard one to admit). But I repented, knowing that God has mercy when I mess up. When I doubt. And even when I fear. He is gracious enough to reveal His great love.

So a year on the farm has taught me more than I could’ve learned in a lifetime any other way. It has drawn me closer to the heart of my Father God. My Abba.

So I don’t know where you are in life right now, but I want to pray for your situation.

Father God, right now in the name of Jesus, I know there are mamas struggling in the battle of their lives. They are waging warfare and they are weary. God your word refreshes us when we are tired of battle and want to lay it all down and walk away. Your closeness breathes new life when it feels like all our dreams are dying. So Lord refresh, replenish, and revive these mamas. Draw them close to You. Show them your great love. Equip them for the battle you prepared them to fight. Send your Angel armies for support, and comfort. We give the fight over to You, knowing that it's already won because of the work Jesus did on the cross. We humbly repent for our sin, knowing that you forgive. You are worthy Lord, and we thank you for your goodness. 
