  • Being a Good Christian Wife Means It's Okay if Your Home Isn't Perfectly Clean
    Healthy Home,  Mom Life

    Healthy Mom Life – Managing the Household

    One of the most important lessons that I have learned as a mom is that it’s not necessary to have a perfectly clean home. The laundry does not need to be color-coded and ironed and put away instantly. Some toys sprinkled throughout the house is not really a big deal, and if I let some dishes go overnight my house will not suddenly melt into a disastrous oblivion. The truth is, I am a terrible homemaker. I am better at building businesses and writing than I am at making sure the house looks spotless or figuring out something creative to cook for dinner. It’s not that I don’t clean, because…

  • Healthy Home,  Mom Life

    Say Goodbye to Toxic Cleaning Products

    When my oldest was one, he licked the toilet bowl. Okay, maybe not the bowl itself. But he got a good glob of those blue gel toilet cleaner things and ate it. Not only was I grossed out, but I was also terrified. He was our first child, and I had no idea what I was dealing with. I had to call poison control because I didn’t know if he needed his stomach pumped if the stuff would burn his esophagus, or what. I had my cleaners high up and away so he couldn’t reach them, but this was unexpected. Who would’ve thought that a one-year-old would eat goo out…